Как узнать, запущен ли процесс в Win9x
function IsRunning(sName: string): boolean; var han: THandle; ProcStruct: PROCESSENTRY32; // from "tlhelp32" in uses clause sID: string; begin Result := false; // Get a snapshot of the system han := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0); if han = 0 then exit; // Loop thru the processes until we find it or hit the end ProcStruct.dwSize := sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32); if Process32First(han, ProcStruct) then begin repeat sID := ExtractFileName(ProcStruct.szExeFile); // Check only against the portion of the name supplied, ignoring case if uppercase(copy(sId, 1, length(sName))) = uppercase(sName) then begin // Report we found it Result := true; Break; end; until not Process32Next(han, ProcStruct); end; // clean-up CloseHandle(han); end; |
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