Как загрузить иконку CD-ROM
Автор: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch
function GetCDIcon(Drive: Char): TIcon; var ico: TIcon; ini: TIniFile; s, p: string; i, j: Integer; begin //Abbrechen wenn "AutoRun.Inf" nicht existiert. //Abort if "AutoRun.inf" doesn't exists. if FileExists(Drive + ':\autorun.inf') = False then Exit; //"AutoRun.inf" offnen //Opens the "AutoRun.inf" ini := TIniFile.Create(Drive + ':\autorun.inf'); ico := TIcon.Create; try //Dateinamen lesen //Read the filename s := ini.ReadString('Autorun', 'ICON', ''); //Abbrechen, wenn kein Icon festgelegt wurde //Abort if there is no icon specified if s = '' then Exit; //Icon von Datei laden //load the icon from a file if FileExists(s) then ico.LoadFromFile(s); if FileExists(Drive + ':\' + s) then ico.LoadFromFile(Drive + ':\' + s); //Icon aus einer Resource laden //Load the icon from a Win32 resource if (FileExists(s) = False) and (FileExists(Drive + ':\' + s) = False) then begin for j := (Pos(',', s) + 1) to Length(s) do begin p := p + s[j]; end; i := StrToInt(p); for j := Length(s) downto (Pos(',', s)) do Delete(s, j, Length(s)); if FileExists(s) = False then s := Drive + ':\' + s; ico.Handle := ExtractIcon(hinstance, PChar(s), i); end; Result := ico; finally ini.Free; end; end;
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