Приверить, запущен ли сервис
Падает комп с 16-го этажа и думает: "Вот бы сейчас зависнуть". |
uses WinSvc; function ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService: PChar): DWORD; {******************************************} {*** Parameters: ***} {*** sService: specifies the name of the service to open {*** sMachine: specifies the name of the target computer {*** ***} {*** Return Values: ***} {*** -1 = Error opening service ***} {*** 1 = SERVICE_STOPPED ***} {*** 2 = SERVICE_START_PENDING ***} {*** 3 = SERVICE_STOP_PENDING ***} {*** 4 = SERVICE_RUNNING ***} {*** 5 = SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING ***} {*** 6 = SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING ***} {*** 7 = SERVICE_PAUSED ***} {******************************************} var SCManHandle, SvcHandle: SC_Handle; SS: TServiceStatus; dwStat: DWORD; begin dwStat := 0; // Open service manager handle. SCManHandle := OpenSCManager(sMachine, nil, SC_MANAGER_CONNECT); if (SCManHandle > 0) then begin SvcHandle := OpenService(SCManHandle, sService, SERVICE_QUERY_STATUS); // if Service installed if (SvcHandle > 0) then begin // SS structure holds the service status (TServiceStatus); if (QueryServiceStatus(SvcHandle, SS)) then dwStat := ss.dwCurrentState; CloseServiceHandle(SvcHandle); end; CloseServiceHandle(SCManHandle); end; Result := dwStat; end; function ServiceRunning(sMachine, sService: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := SERVICE_RUNNING = ServiceGetStatus(sMachine, sService); end; // Check if Eventlog Service is running procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if ServiceRunning(nil, 'Eventlog') then ShowMessage('Eventlog Service Running') else ShowMessage('Eventlog Service not Running') end; { Windows 2000 and earlier: All processes are granted the SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE, and SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS access rights. Windows XP: Only authenticated users are granted the SC_MANAGER_CONNECT, SC_MANAGER_ENUMERATE_SERVICE, and SC_MANAGER_QUERY_LOCK_STATUS access rights. } { Do not use the service display name (as displayed in the services control panel applet.) You must use the real service name, as referenced in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services } |
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