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Оформил: DeeCo
Автор: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch
// Der Quellcode wurde von NicoDE ([email protected]) geschrieben. { Diese Funktion schreibt alle Informationen uber den in Edit1.text angegeneben NT Prozess (ProzessID) in das Feld Memo1. } { This function write all nt process informations into memo1. In Edit1 you can specify the processID. } type PDebugModule = ^TDebugModule; TDebugModule = packed record Reserved: array [0..1] of Cardinal; Base: Cardinal; Size: Cardinal; Flags: Cardinal; Index: Word; Unknown: Word; LoadCount: Word; ModuleNameOffset: Word; ImageName: array [0..$FF] of Char; end; type PDebugModuleInformation = ^TDebugModuleInformation; TDebugModuleInformation = record Count: Cardinal; Modules: array [0..0] of TDebugModule; end; PDebugBuffer = ^TDebugBuffer; TDebugBuffer = record SectionHandle: THandle; SectionBase: Pointer; RemoteSectionBase: Pointer; SectionBaseDelta: Cardinal; EventPairHandle: THandle; Unknown: array [0..1] of Cardinal; RemoteThreadHandle: THandle; InfoClassMask: Cardinal; SizeOfInfo: Cardinal; AllocatedSize: Cardinal; SectionSize: Cardinal; ModuleInformation: PDebugModuleInformation; BackTraceInformation: Pointer; HeapInformation: Pointer; LockInformation: Pointer; Reserved: array [0..7] of Pointer; end; const PDI_MODULES = $01; ntdll = 'ntdll.dll'; var HNtDll: HMODULE; type TFNRtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer = function(Size: Cardinal; EventPair: Boolean): PDebugBuffer; stdcall; TFNRtlQueryProcessDebugInformation = function(ProcessId, DebugInfoClassMask: Cardinal; var DebugBuffer: TDebugBuffer): Integer; stdcall; TFNRtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer = function(DebugBuffer: PDebugBuffer): Integer; stdcall; var RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer: TFNRtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer; RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation: TFNRtlQueryProcessDebugInformation; RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer: TFNRtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer; function LoadRtlQueryDebug: LongBool; begin if HNtDll = 0 then begin HNtDll := LoadLibrary(ntdll); if HNtDll <> 0 then begin RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer := GetProcAddress(HNtDll, 'RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer'); RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation := GetProcAddress(HNtDll, 'RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation'); RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer := GetProcAddress(HNtDll, 'RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer'); end; end; Result := Assigned(RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer) and Assigned(RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation) and Assigned(RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation); end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var DbgBuffer: PDebugBuffer; Loop: Integer; begin if not LoadRtlQueryDebug then Exit; Memo1.Clear; Memo1.Lines.BeginUpdate; DbgBuffer := RtlCreateQueryDebugBuffer(0, False); if Assigned(DbgBuffer) then try if RtlQueryProcessDebugInformation(StrToIntDef(Edit1.Text, GetCurrentProcessId), PDI_MODULES, DbgBuffer^) >= 0 then begin for Loop := 0 to DbgBuffer.ModuleInformation.Count - 1 do with DbgBuffer.ModuleInformation.Modules[Loop], Memo1.Lines do begin Add('ImageName: ' + ImageName); Add(' Reserved0: ' + IntToHex(Reserved[0], 8)); Add(' Reserved1: ' + IntToHex(Reserved[1], 8)); Add(' Base: ' + IntToHex(Base, 8)); Add(' Size: ' + IntToHex(Size, 8)); Add(' Flags: ' + IntToHex(Flags, 8)); Add(' Index: ' + IntToHex(Index, 4)); Add(' Unknown: ' + IntToHex(Unknown, 4)); Add(' LoadCount: ' + IntToHex(LoadCount, 4)); Add(' ModuleNameOffset: ' + IntToHex(ModuleNameOffset, 4)); end; end; finally RtlDestroyQueryDebugBuffer(DbgBuffer); end; Memo1.Lines.EndUpdate; end;
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