Получить информацию о методах
Автор: Xavier Pacheco
unit MainFrm; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, DBClient, MidasCon, MConnect; type TMainForm = class(TForm) lbSampMethods: TListBox; lbMethodInfo: TMemo; lblBasicMethodInfo: TLabel; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure lbSampMethodsClick(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var MainForm: TMainForm; implementation uses TypInfo, DBTables, Provider; {$R *.DFM} type // It is necessary to redefine this record as it is commented out in // typinfo.pas. PParamRecord = ^TParamRecord; TParamRecord = record Flags: TParamFlags; ParamName: ShortString; TypeName: ShortString; end; procedure GetBaseMethodInfo(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; AStrings: TStrings); { This method obtains some basic RTTI data from the TTypeInfo and adds that information to the AStrings parameter. } var MethodTypeData: PTypeData; EnumName: string; begin MethodTypeData := GetTypeData(ATypeInfo); with AStrings do begin Add(Format('Class Name: %s', [ATypeInfo^.Name])); EnumName := GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TTypeKind), Integer(ATypeInfo^.Kind)); Add(Format('Kind: %s', [EnumName])); Add(Format('Num Parameters: %d', [MethodTypeData.ParamCount])); end; end; procedure GetMethodDefinition(ATypeInfo: PTypeInfo; AStrings: TStrings); { This method retrieves the property info on a method pointer. We use this information to recunstruct the method definition. } var MethodTypeData: PTypeData; MethodDefine: string; ParamRecord: PParamRecord; TypeStr: ^ShortString; ReturnStr: ^ShortString; i: integer; begin MethodTypeData := GetTypeData(ATypeInfo); // Determine the type of method case MethodTypeData.MethodKind of mkProcedure: MethodDefine := 'procedure '; mkFunction: MethodDefine := 'function '; mkConstructor: MethodDefine := 'constructor '; mkDestructor: MethodDefine := 'destructor '; mkClassProcedure: MethodDefine := 'class procedure '; mkClassFunction: MethodDefine := 'class function '; end; // point to the first parameter ParamRecord := @MethodTypeData.ParamList; i := 1; // first parameter // loop through the method's parameters and add them to the string list as // they would be normally defined. while i <= MethodTypeData.ParamCount do begin if i = 1 then MethodDefine := MethodDefine + '('; if pfVar in ParamRecord.Flags then MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ('var '); if pfconst in ParamRecord.Flags then MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ('const '); if pfArray in ParamRecord.Flags then MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ('array of '); // we won't do anything for the pfAddress but know that the Self parameter // gets passed with this flag set. { if pfAddress in ParamRecord.Flags then MethodDefine := MethodDefine+('*address* '); } if pfout in ParamRecord.Flags then MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ('out '); // Use pointer arithmetic to get the type string for the parameter. TypeStr := Pointer(Integer(@ParamRecord^.ParamName) + Length(ParamRecord^.ParamName) + 1); MethodDefine := Format('%s%s: %s', [MethodDefine, ParamRecord^.ParamName, TypeStr^]); inc(i); // Increment the counter. // Go the next parameter. Notice that use of pointer arithmetic to // get to the appropriate location of the next parameter. ParamRecord := PParamRecord(Integer(ParamRecord) + SizeOf(TParamFlags) + (Length(ParamRecord^.ParamName) + 1) + (Length(TypeStr^) + 1)); // if there are still parameters then setup if i <= MethodTypeData.ParamCount then begin MethodDefine := MethodDefine + '; '; end else MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ')'; end; // If the method type is a function, it has a return value. This is also // placed in the method definition string. The return value will be at the // location following the last parameter. if MethodTypeData.MethodKind = mkFunction then begin ReturnStr := Pointer(ParamRecord); MethodDefine := Format('%s: %s;', [MethodDefine, ReturnStr^]) end else MethodDefine := MethodDefine + ';'; // finally, add the string to the listbox. with AStrings do begin Add(MethodDefine) end; end; procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { Add some method types to the list box. Also, store the pointer to the RTTI data in listbox's Objects array } with lbSampMethods.Items do begin AddObject('TNotifyEvent', TypeInfo(TNotifyEvent)); AddObject('TMouseEvent', TypeInfo(TMouseEvent)); AddObject('TBDECallBackEvent', TypeInfo(TBDECallBackEvent)); AddObject('TDataRequestEvent', TypeInfo(TDataRequestEvent)); AddObject('TGetModuleProc', TypeInfo(TGetModuleProc)); AddObject('TReaderError', TypeInfo(TReaderError)); end; end; procedure TMainForm.lbSampMethodsClick(Sender: TObject); begin lbMethodInfo.Lines.Clear; with lbSampMethods do begin GetBaseMethodInfo(PTypeInfo(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]), lbMethodInfo.Lines); GetMethodDefinition(PTypeInfo(Items.Objects[ItemIndex]), lbMethodInfo.Lines); end; end; end.
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